

unarchitecte, as an innovative combination of young architects, was founded in Beijing by the practical who won several domestic and international design awards. What we admire is innovative research and real, impeccable construction, what we oppose is vulgar plagiarism and imitation in any form. Whatever we are facing, latest or ancient, we treat it all with openness and respect. Paying attention to urban changes, landscape consequences and spatial feeling, we, at the same time, focus on original, precise and unpretentious design. We study the essential and significant elements of any item or environment, integrally balancing considerations and explorations from all angles, so as to unveil the path towards new material, new function, new way, new form and new experience. We spare no effort to broaden the boundaries of design, to provide the client with rational, professional and tasteful services, and furthermore, to create reflecting and inspiring works for the whole society.

Principle: Zhang Hetian, born in 1976, is an architect, the Principle of unarchitecte, the Chief architect and the Executive director of superstructure.

In 2003, Zhang Hetian went to France for further study where he received three master’s degrees of urban design, urban planning and architecture from École Nationale Supérieure d’ Architecture de Paris-Belleville (ENSAPB). He once served in some architectural firms like Bernard Tschumi, Francois Roche, etc. At the same time, he set up the Sino-French Architecture Communication Society (SFACS) in Paris for academic communications on architecture. After returning in China, he has created three architectural design studios, the unarchitecte , the cutscapearchitecture and the superstructure.

Recent works by Zhang Hetian are as followed: Jilin Museum of Classic Art, Dodo Museum in Beijing, China’s Commercial Counsellor's Office in Sri Lanka, The Climbing Park of Luofo Mountain, China’s Commercial Counsellor's Office in Senegal, Art Zone reformation of an old paper mill in Jia County, China’s Commercial Counsellor's Office in Mauritania, A Walking Box in Nanchang, Thw Family of Three People in Changchun, Lingbao Children's Center, Floating Islands Of Sky at Luxelakes City in Chengdu, etc. 

The Forbidden City Red-Wall Teahouse that he completed in 2014 was published both in China and abroad on architectural websites (Archdaily, Designboom, Dezeen, UED, Gooood, etc.) and in professional journals (C3, UED, WA, TA, Vision, etc.) and was on display in German and Beijing, being awarded the fifth 'Chinese Construct 2015 National Biennale of Environmental Art Design' and ‘Architecture New Media Awards 2014’, and being elected to the Top 7 Most Amazing Chinese Buildings of 2014 in the United States of America.

For the Dodo Museum completed in Beijing in 2017, he was awarded the 17th Napoli Cultural Classic Premio alle Eccellenze in Italy.

The Climbing Park of Luofo Mountain that he just completed in the beginning of 2018 was featured by Domus, BOB, Designboom, Landscape Architecture, SEAB etc;

For the Jilin Museum of Classic Art in Changchun in 2018, he was awarded the 2nd Gianfranco Unione International Exellence Awards in Italy;

The installation in Nanchang, A Walking Box, was featured by Detail, Architizer, ArchDaily, CA, BOB etc, and was awarded the First PRIZE in Education Building Category by ARCHMARATHON Selections @MADE EXPO 2019 in Milan, and will automatically have access to the world edition of ARCHMARATHON which will take place in Milan in 2020.

Lingbao Children's Center, established at the beginning of 2020, has been published by many international authoritative architectural media in Asia, Africa and Europe, and was elected as the “Project of The Day” by Architizer.

Floating Islands Of Sky at Luxelakes City in Chengdu in 2021, has been published by ELLE DECOR in Italy, and being named one of the five most iconic pedestrain bridges of 2021 by ALLPLAN in Germany, and was nominated the AR PUBLIC AWARDS by the Architectural Review.

unarchitecte is named one of the Top 25 firms in Beijing by ARCHELLO.


现任unarchitecte(张赫天建筑师事务所)主持建筑师, superstructure(上层建构建筑设计研究院)执行董事、总建筑师。

零三年赴法留学。期间在巴黎贝尔维尔国家高等建筑学院 (ENSAPB)获建筑学(Architecture)硕士学位、城市规划及城市设计(urbannisme)硕士学位,曾就职伯纳德.屈米(Bernard Tschumi)及弗朗西斯.霍(Francois Roche)等事务所,并同时在巴黎创办“中法建筑交流学会”(SFACS)从事建筑学术交流活动。回国后于一零年,先后创立了unarchitecte(张赫天建筑师事务所)、cutscapearchitecture(研造社)及superstructure(上层建构)三所建筑设计机构。


一四年完成的“紫禁城红墙茶室”(the Forbidden City Red-Wall Teahouse),发表于国内外建筑网站(Archdaily、 Designboom、Dezeen、UED、Gooood,etc.),及国内外建筑刊物 (C3、UED、WA、 TA、Vision,etc. ); 在德国和北京等地参展; 获第五届中国营造奖(The fifth 'Chinese Construct 2015 National Biennale of Environmental Art Design')、首届建筑新传媒奖(Architecture New Media Awards 2014),在美国获评为当年中国七个最佳建筑之一等(The Top 7 Most Amazing Chinese Buildings of 2014)。

一七年于北京完成的渡渡美术馆,获意大利那不勒斯国际经典文化建筑奖(NAPOLI CULTURAL CLASSIC Premio alle Eccellenze XVII edizione)。


一八年于长春完成的吉林经典艺术博物馆,获意大利国际卓越设计奖(Gianfranco Unione International Exellence Awards II edizione)。

一九年初于南昌建成的幼儿活动空间参与性装置“行走的盒子”,由Detail、Architizer、ArchDaily、CA、BOB 等国际权威建筑刊物及网站发布,并荣获一九年欧洲ARCHMARATHON建筑大奖教育类第一名。


二一年于成都麓湖完成的天空浮岛刊于ELLE DECOR意文原版四月特刊,并获德国ALLPLAN评为2021年度最具标识性的五个步行桥之一, 同期荣获二二年英国Architectural Review PUBLIC AWARDS--AR公共大奖提名等。



2014       中国建筑年鉴
2014       中国当代建筑集成
2014       Objekt境(亚洲版)
2014.04  WA  World Architecture 世界建筑   No.286 
2014.05  绿 建筑家/ in设计 
2014.06  TA  Time Architecture 时代建筑   No.140 
2014.07  A+A  建筑知识  一四年7月刊 
2014.08  UED  Urban Environment Design 城市 环境 设计  No.83 
2015.03  C3  (韩国)  No.367 
2015.10  Vision 青年视觉 No.155 
2017.09  早春简讯  旅游 规划 建筑 专号 
2018.05  BOB  (韩国)  No.166 
2018.07  Yaju Life 雅居生活  No.90 
2019.02  GB  Green Building  绿建筑 (台湾)  Vol.57 
2019.03  CA  Maru  (韩国)  Vol.205 
2019.09  Lunch Lady  (澳大利亚)  No.16   专访
2019.11  BOB  (韩国)  No.184 
2020.03  LA  Landscape Architecture 风景园林  Vol.27 
2020.08  ID+C 室内设计与装修  No.312 
ID+C 室内设计与装修  No.313
2020.09  BOB  (韩国)  No.194 
2021.03  A&C  (韩国)  No.478   专访
2022.01  SEAB(新加坡)Jan-Feb双月刊   专访
2022.02  LD  Landscape Design  景观设计  Vol.109

2022.04  Elle Decor (意大利)Apr特刊
2024.12  Wide Horizon Design Portfolio   万华十年作品鉴  Vol.01



 Hi 设计
